Thursday, September 18, 2008

Up to line 2000
Beowulf is certainly an interesting poem/book, although it is a little difficult to understand I really enjoy it. I had never even heard of Beowulf until I began this class and I didn't realize how common the book really was.
So far Beowulf has come to the Danes killed Grendel and his mother and basically put the king and his family out of danger. He is so strong, courageous, and probably really cute! In the section were Beowulf is departing for the Danes , the reader can then begin to see that King Hrothgar is a sensitive person. You get to see that he is a good king. I really liked that part of the stroy. Beowulf returns home.

In the Anglo-Saxon language Beowulf means bear man/ bee man!
Pariah- means social outcast

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