Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beowulf has been an interesting poem so far, He has returned home and taken the throne. 50 years have now passed and Beowulf is in old age now (70 years or so) and from the poem everything has been ok. Until an angry servant escapes and decides to steal a jeweled cup for a dragon that lives down in the barrows! The dragon is very greedy and becomes angry and decides to attack the Geats. Beowulf is now led to fight this dragon and he wants to do it himself. What I find interesting is that he is not sending/ waiting for anyone to do the job for him (Hrothgar). He takes armor and a sword with, along with some of his men to fight the dragon. Before this scene takes place the poet foreshadowes Beowulf's death and I'm not sure that I really like that in this poem. I don't like it because I would have liked to see Beowulf survive! Maybe its just what we are used to- the hero slays the monster and lives on. A little Hollywood? Maybe.........

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