Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapters 7-11
The house of Tom Bombadil was a little weird but provided the hobbits with warmth and shelter for the night. Once the rains cleared Frodo and the others set off North along the Barrowdowns, but they stumble into some thick fog. A wight captures Frodo and he wakes up in a barrow, where he learns that his friends are also lying unconsious there. The wight is preparing to kill him when Fordo begins to sing a song he learned from Tom. Tom breaks in and and saves Frodo and the rest of the hobbits.
Tom leads them to the end of the road to a place called The Inn of the Prancing Pony, he says they will be safe there for the night. Once they reach the destination Fordo uses the name Underhill as a disguise. Enjoying himself in the common room, Frodo draws a lot of attention to himself and I'm not sure if he puts the Ring on by accident or on purpose but it is put onto his finger and he dissappears. Everyone is frightened and can not understand what happens. In the mean time Fordo takes off the ring and Strider the Ranger tells him they must talk. Frodo is very uneasy because the Strider seems to know alot about the Ring. The innkeeper Butterbur comes in and gives Frodo a letter from Gandalf and the letter states to beware of bad things that are after him. He also tells Frodo that the Strider is good and will help led them to Riverdell. During this talk with the Strider, Merry suddenly bursts in to tell them that he saw the Black Riders there and they decide not to sleep in there rooms, Fordo is very frighented.

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