Monday, November 3, 2008

King of Elflands Daughter
Chapters 1-10

The story starts out by the land telling the king that they want a magical ruler, so the Kings sends his son Alveric to go seek out the elveish kings daughter, princess Lirazel. He brings the princess back to his land and they marry. Many years pass and finally they have a son named Orion. Lirazel becomes very sad because she does not understand the way of man kind, and why they worship what they do. Alveric is a little frustrated with her and tries to teach her the right way (his way). In the mean time Lirazel's father is deeply saddened and writes her a letter. He sends this to be delievered by a troll, once delievered Lirazel does not open it but puts it away. Some time passes and finally she deciedes to read it and once opened she disappeares back to her land. Once Alveric learns of this he goes back to where he found her (the elflin mountains) and searches and searches for. He never finds her......

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